
大学選び それでいいの?

飯田 奈々(17)

 2012年の冬、田中眞紀子文部科学大臣が、大学設置・学校法人審議会の答申を覆し、3大学の設置申請を認可しなかったことが、大きな話題となった。 結果として認可されたが、この背景には大学教育をめぐる本質的な問題点があるのではないか取材した。




桜美林大学院 諸星裕教授への取材





Interviews 社会

Capital Punishment in Japan July 17, 2012 by Sara Tomizawa (16)

Capital Punishment in Japan
July 17, 2012
Sara Tomizawa

A 2010 survey indicated that 85% of Japanese are in favor of the death penalty seeing it as unavoidable punishment for brutal crimes.  However, there are some groups seeking to abolish capital punishment in Japan. Will Japan maintain the death penalty in the future?  To come to a better understanding of the situation, parties on both sides of the issue were interviewed.

  Tsuneo Matsumura, Acting Chairman of the National Association of Crime Victims and Surviving Families (Asu no Kai)     Tsuneo Matsumura, Acting Chairman of the National Association of Crime Victims and Surviving Families (Asu no Kai) insists that capital punishment is necessary. He said “the possibility of wrongful convictions cannot be a reason to abolish the death penalty; it is the duty of the police to carry out proper investigations. The crime victims and surviving families demand the death penalty and such demand has nothing to do with wrongful convictions.”  “If you support respecting the human rights of criminals, then the same holds true for the victims and family members perhaps even more so.”

The global trend is toward abolition of capital punishment with fewer and fewer nations supporting it. One of the current conditions for a country to join the EU is that the death penalty be abolished if in existence.  Amnesty International reported in 2009 that approximately 30% of all countries including the United States, Japan, China, India, Iran, and Saudi Arabia have the death penalty. When asked about this trend, Matsumura responded “other countries have a religious basis behind this issue and Japan does not. Besides, if we look at population instead of the number of countries, more than half of the world’s population lives in an area with the death penalty.”

In addition, Matsumura is skeptical in regard to the introduction of life imprisonment as a substitute for capital punishment; currently more taxes are spent on prisoners than for supporting lower income families. Life imprisonment would increase the operational costs of prisons. Spending taxes paid by crime victims for the benefit of the criminals is unreasonable. “How could a murderer compensate for the life he took while still alive? Surviving families desire to recover their lost ones, but we know this is impossible. So, the only consolation available is to take away the life of the criminal.”

 Shizuka Kamei, the chairman of the diet members group for abolishing the death penalty   Shizuka Kamei, the chairman of the diet members group for abolishing the death penalty, advocates its elimination. As a former public official belonging to the Police Agency, he stated that it is impossible to prevent 100% false accusation. He said “even criminals should have their human rights protected. The government must protect their rights because it is its duty.”

Kamei points out that the survey indicating that the majority of the people support the death penalty was not developed properly. The questionnaire limits choices and leads respondents to choose that the death penalty is unavoidable. His group conducted a survey asking whether or not people were in favor of abolishing the death penalty when lifelong incarceration is put in place. The majority said “yes.” Based on this survey, he believed that the ratio of Japanese in favor of the death penalty would significantly fall if life imprisonment is alternatively proposed.

Kamei proposed life imprisonment as a first step to abolish the death penalty.  Life imprisonment could be crueler than imprisonment with the possibility of parole after 10-20 years.  However, he thinks there is no choice but for criminals to consider the damage they caused and reflect on their crimes. He strongly advocates as a politician that the government must not kill a citizen.

With the introduction of the jury system, ordinary citizens are now involved in the judicial process and need to deal with the application of the death penalty.  Accordingly, we are obliged to study and think about capital punishment. Debate over this issue will continue.

報告会、レクチャー その他

CE Reporters Attended the 7th International Youth Media Summit, Aug. 2012

120822_summitTwo high school CE reporters attended the 7th International Youth Media Summit in Belgrade, Serbia from August 1st to 12th ,2012.

Around 50 young people from 18 countries such as the former Yugoslavian countries, (Slovenia, and Bosnia-Herzegovina), the United States, France, Sweden, Greece, Poland, Georgia, Hong Kong, and Japan were divided into 7 groups to discuss issues of international concern: poverty, violence, the environment, discrimination, women’s rights, youth empowerment, and health. Each group produced a 1-minute short film, which expressed their declaration to the world.



The 10th Anniversary of CE, 2012

120803_10thOn June 17th, more than 60 people including reporters, members, youth workers, former reporters, staff, supporters, and board members celebrated the 10th anniversary of Children’s Express at Pria Shibuya. Everyone enjoyed watching  video works portraying CE’s first decade.

CE started its activities in April 2002. Since then, many reporters have written articles on various topics. Selected works were collected into a 10th anniversary brochure “A Decade of CE”.

国際 報告会、レクチャー

Japan-UK Reporters Exchange Program 2011

111221nitieikouryu11_01From November 2nd to 8th, CE Japan welcomed 4 reporters and 2 staff from Headliners’ Belfast Bureau, the sister organization of CE. Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland where Catholics and Protestants live separately because of the prolonged dispute between the two religions. Visiting members were from both residential areas. They visited temples and shrines in Japan where religious freedom is ensured by our national constitution. They also covered religious views of young Japanese.

Most of the expenses for this program were funded by the Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation.



2012/10/16               小川 真央(18)






 文部科学省・高等教育局大学振興課課長補佐の白井俊氏は、秋入学を目指す大学に対しては支援をしていき、春入学を維持する大学に対しては秋入学を強要しない柔軟な対応をとると述べた。文部科学省は、秋入学の支援として、ギャップタームにおける体験活動の枠組みを提供する、産業界へ採用制度の変更を促す、国家試験の時期を変更することなどを具体的に考えている。 秋に移行した場合に6ヶ月間不足する運営資金の援助に関しては、国民の税金を使うことになるため国民の理解を得なければならないとする一方で、国際化を積極的に実施していく大学の取り組みに対しては援助する意向を示した。 確かに秋入学を実施することで学生達が強制的にギャップタームを過ごさなければならない点、就職活動への影響が出る点、半年間の身分の所在が不明確である上にアルバイトをすれば年金を支払わなければならない点、国家試験の時期にずれが生じる点、コストがかかる点など数多くの問題があることは事実である。しかし、複数の大学が協調することで、産業界や政府と連携が可能になり、秋入学に向けて社会の基盤は整っていくだろう。各大学の方針は尊重するべきであり、全大学が秋入学にする必要はないが、秋入学は日本の教育改革の一つの有効な手段になるのではないか。5年後の秋入学の導入まで社会がどのように変化していくか注目したい。



瀧澤 真結(14)








 163万人もの従事者がいながら、高校生の進路ガイドブックには決して乗ることのない仕事、農業。農林水産省の統計によると、平成22年度の新規就農者は54,570人。4年前と比較すると33%減少した。「きつい、汚い、稼げない」という ネガティブな3K がつきまとう。そんな中、新しいスタイルでそうしたイメージを打ち破る人たち がいる。

 株式会社みやじ豚代表取締役の宮治勇輔氏(34)は NPO法人農家の「こせがれネットワーク」代表理事・CEOも務める。勤めていた都内の大手企業を辞め、養豚業を営む実家に戻ったのは7年前。育てた豚で バーベキューを開催すると大好評。噂は口コミで広まり、「みやじ豚」として ブランドにまでなった。現在では生産量の約5割をレストランへの卸売りやオンラインショップでの販売などの直接販売でさばき 、利益率は養豚業界トップクラスを誇る。


 千葉県で梨を育てる のは實川勝之氏(32)。父の怪我を機に農家である実家を継ぐまではパティシエとして洋菓子 店で働いていた。元々栽培していた米や野菜に加え、新たに梨栽培を始めた。コンセプトは「梨というfruitsを梨というsweetsに」。目指すのはケーキのような、上品で少し特別な存在だ。そのための努力は惜しまない。試行錯誤を重ね、独自の栽培方法を編み出した。美しさにもこだわる。自身の農園を「工房」と呼び、ショーケースのように整然とした「日本一美しい梨園」と自負する。現在10種類以上を生産。購入 者 に好きな梨を見つけてもらうためだ。さらには一本の木を購入し、接ぎ木により梨をカスタマイズできるオーナー制度を導入 したり、もぎ取り体験を実施したり、客とのコミュニケーションを通して信頼関係を築く 工夫を凝らす。

 農地や設備がそろ っており、親から技術指導を受けられ、周りの農家や 客 からの信用も得ているという 就農 条件が整っている農家出身者と比べると、非農家出身者はいささか険しい道を迫られる、と宮治氏は言う。だが、非農家出身者が挑戦しているケースも 少なくない。北海道でアスパラガスを栽培する押谷行彦氏(42)は この道13年のプロだ。 前職は兵庫県尼崎市にあるスーパーマーケットの従業員。大学時代、 スポーツに打ち込んでいたこともあり、「一日中エアコンが効いた 室内で働くより、 季節を感じながら汗を流して働きたい。」一念発起して憧れの北海道へ渡った。大学へ入り直して知識と人脈を得、さらに2年間農園で研修を受けた。スーパーで働いていた分、客の感覚が分かる。「平均的な価格だけど他のものより美味しい。」そのシンプルな戦術 がオンライン販売だけで多くのリピーターを生み出す秘訣だ。味で差別化を図るからには、栽培へのこだわりは半端 ではない。アスパラの太さは通常の二倍ほど。さらに、10cmほど余分に育て、出荷の際に根元の10cmをカットする。柔らかく美味しい部分だけを残すためだ。

 宮治 、實川 の両氏が指摘するように、従来農業は「味に関係なく農協を通して画一的に生産物が出荷され、価格決定権がないばかりか、顧客からのフィードバックも受けることが出来ない」、「おいしいものを届けたい」という思いが評価されにくい世界だった。押谷氏を含め3人に共通するのは、一度他の業界で経験を積んでいること。独自の視点を活かして生産から販売までを一貫してプロデュースすることで、その問題を克服した。さらに、消費者と直接つながりができることはやりがいや喜びにもつながる。宮治氏は「農業は3K(かっこよく、感動があって、稼げる)産業だ」と語る。

 農業従事者が減少していく今は、非農家からの就農の好機 でもある。ただし、「ブームに乗っていいイメージだけを持って来る人や、他の仕事が嫌で逃げてくる人には農業は続かない。農業は自然に左右される仕事。決められた時間働けば決められた収入が得られるわけではない 」と語る押谷氏は 。自らの 経営が軌道にのるまで5年間は辛抱が続いたという。それでも「『おいしいものを届ける』ことに喜びを感じられる人、『自然を残したい』という思いのある人なら継続できるはず」と新規就農者にエールを送る。 。「家族と触れ合う時間が持て、地域発展にも貢献 できる、そしてお客さんの喜ぶ顔を見ることができ る」と實川氏は農業の魅力をこう語る。インターネットやソーシャルメディアの発達した現代、ビジネスのスキルを身に付けた若者にとって、自然の中で働く仕事「農業」は現実的かつ魅力的な選択肢となっていくのかもしれない。






 次に、農家の後継者を中心に支援するNPO法人「農家のこせがれネットワーク」代表理事であり、「株式会社 みやじ豚」(神奈川県) 代表取締役の宮治勇輔氏(34)に話を聞いた。宮治氏も一度企業に就職したが、実家の養豚業が気になり、実家に戻ることを決意した。そして、幅広い人脈を生かし様々な知り合いをバーベキューに招き実家の豚を口コミで広げた。社会で学んだビジネスや人脈を使って実家の豚をブランド化した。

 千葉県の實川勝之氏(32)はパティシエの道に進んだが、その後実家の農家に戻った。そして株式会社アグリスリーを立ち上げ 代表取締役となった。實川氏は実家の野菜や米の栽培だけでなく、パティシエの経験からケーキのような甘味の果実を栽培しようと梨園を作った。

 それを「全て同じ形をしたケーキを表現した梨園」 と紹介した。実際に千葉県横芝光町にある梨園を訪れてみると、確かに木はショーケースに並ぶケーキのようにどこから見ても美しく一直線に並び今までの梨園のイメージを覆す。現在は自ら作った梨でスイーツの試作もしているという。こうして實川氏はパティシエの経験を農業に生かした。






 「農業はビジネスだ」 宮治氏のこの言葉は農業の新しいスタイルを表している。



南雲 満友(17)






 既存の事業に付加価値をつけていくには、新しいアイデアと実行力が必要だ。その点で三氏は、ビジネスの経験を農業経営に生かし、新しい農業のスタイルを構築していると言えるだろう。今、日本は食糧自給率が40%を切り、TPP問題など大きな変革の時を迎えている。宮治氏は「農業も今までの仕組みが崩壊している。新しい方法で僕たち“こせがれ”から現場を変えなければいけない」と語った。 農業に新しい風をもたらす「こせがれ」たちの今後の活躍に目が離せない。


Interview: Mr. Bernard Krisher

Nanami Aono (18), a Children’s Express Japan youth reporter, interviewed Bernard Krisher (80) on February 21st, 2012.

Bernard Krisher, a journalist working as Newsweek’s Asia Bureau Chief until 1980, founded American Assistance for Cambodia in the US and Japan Relief for Cambodia in Japan and the independent newspaper, the Cambodia Daily, in 1993. He launched the Sihanouk Hospital Center for the American charity HOPE in 1996. He has built more than 500 schools for the rural poor in Cambodia.

Nanami visited Phnom Penh in March 2011 with four other CE youth reporters and carried out interviews with local NGOs and the Cambodia Daily.  She began to think about need income-generating projects that offer poor children the skills necessary to earn their own living.  To learn more about how to develop such projects in Cambodia and what she should study during college, she met with Bernard Krisher.

Q. Why did you decide to help girls go to school?

A. I have to tell you about Nicholas Kristof, a writer for the New York Times.  When he visited Poipet, he went to a brothel and talked to one of the working girls asking, “How did you get here?”  The girl replied, “I was trafficked.”  She wanted to quit prostitution and so we paid her money to open a shop, but she disappeared.  Another girl, rescued by Nicholas, ran off with her boyfriend.  I realized that I was not able to help these girls.  So I decided to start to help girls go to school.  I think education is the best way to help the poor children in Cambodia.

Q. What do you emphasize in your projects?

A. Our projects aim not to rescue children but to prevent them from straying to the wrong way of life.  We encourage them to go to school, to have peers, and to connect with other people.  Once they leave school, it is hard to return.  School means a better job, a chance to go to university, and to become a homemaker.  We are also educating girls about healthcare including HIV and parents too because we need their support.  Our project is called “Girls be Ambitious” giving poor families $10 a month to prevent girls from child trafficking by going to school every day.  We stop giving $10 if the girls stop going to school.

Q. Have you had any difficulties working with Cambodians?

A. Not really, but the language can be a problem.  People inPhnom Penh might be able to speak English but people in the villages cannot. So, foreigners can’t work in the villages without interpreters.

Q. How have you found reliable staff inCambodia?

A. My staff is very loyal to me, because they appreciate what I am doing and how I treat them.  However, one problem in Cambodia is Cambodians do not truly understand loyalty.  The culture has a sense of cruelty as you see in the fresco paintings in Angkor Watt, which describe many cruelties.  Also, you have heard about Pol Pot’s genocide. Cambodians have experienced too much jealousy, criticism, and fighting amongst themselves mainly due to the lack of education.  So, trivial matters become quite important to them.  We try to teach the importance of distinguishing between trivial and important matters in their lives.

Q. How did you find your staff when you first began in Cambodia?

A. When Prince Norodom Sihanouk returned to Cambodia in 1991 after the Paris Peace Accords, and Hun Sen established a monarchy again, I had dinner with Prince Sihanouk and he asked me to help with the restoration and the reconstruction of Cambodia.

I met Mrs. Nuon Phaly, President of the Future Light Orphanage through Prince Sihanouk and she asked me to hire her nephew Thero.  He is polite and intelligent, and became my assistant.  Thero is very honest, and so I could hire reliable staff through him.

Q. How did you meet Prince Sihanouk?

A. I interviewed President Sukarno of Indonesia for Newsweek and he liked me. When I went to Jakarta again, President Sukarno introduced me to Prince Sihanouk.

Q. I understand that bribes need to be paid when dealing with the Cambodian government.  What percentage of your project’s total budget is spent on bribes?

A. We have never paid a bribe.  I just said, “I don’t pay bribes because I’m helping your country.”  In addition, I am not asked for bribes because I am a friend of the king.  Furthermore, if you pay once, you have to pay forever.

Q. What is the main reason you could succeed with your business development?

A. Success is my personality as I never give up.  I believe nothing is impossible, and everything is possible.  My friends call me “a pusher.”  Anything I want to do, I keep pursuing.  That is why I could have a private interview with Emperor Hirohito as the first foreign correspondent in Japan.

Q. Have you laid off staff?

A. I never lay off staff unless they are disloyal or dishonest. Teachers in our school including computer teachers are an exception.  As donors pay their salaries, if we don’t receive donations they have to be let go.  However, we usually assign the teachers to another school.  We give them one-months notice. Sometimes, we give staff who served for a long time some kind of compensation as they don’t have unemployment insurance inCambodia.

Q. I really want to stop child prostitution. What do you think I should study in college?

A. Psychology, counseling, and sociology. In addition, you should get experience working in some organizations.  There is trafficking in Japan, too.  People from Vietnam and other countries are also in trouble.  You should find an organization helping them, work for that organization, talk to the people involved, and ask what the problems are.  Then you could work in the developing countries.  Practical experience is important.  It is not possible to understand only by learning at school.

Q. Did your organization received grants from the Asian Development Bank and the World Bank?

A. I used to receive matching funds, that is, they gave half of the money to build the schools.  However, due to the recession the amount of funds is quite limited now. However, we have received grants from Keidanren CBCC (Council for Better Corporate Citizenship) for hospital and school projects inCambodia.

Q. If you had another life, what would you do?

A. I would do the same thing all over again.


Interviews The Great East Japan Earthquake March 11, 2011, 2:46 pm

Mayu Nagumo (16) and Sara Tomizawa (16), CE youth journalists, interviewed nearly 30 people from around the world during the 6th International Youth Media Summit held in Belgrade from August 1-12, 2011 in regard to The Great East Japan Earthquake.  Both youth journalists experienced first hand the impact in Japan and were interested to find out the reactions of those from other countries.  The majority interviewed was youth participants in the Summit and came from a variety of countries including America, Canada, France, Germany, Greece, Macedonia, Nigeria, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, and Turkey.  A summary of the interviews follows the questions below.

How did you first hear about the earthquake? Through what media?

Nearly all the interviewees stated the internet followed by television. Many used social network sites to follow the news once hearing about the earthquake and tsunami.  Basically multiple forms of media were involved.

How did your country report the news?

 Once again nearly all the respondents used terminology such as disaster, devastating, catastrophic event followed by dangers and risks.

When did you talk about the news with your family and friends?

 All the interviewees except one discussed it immediately with their families whether in-person or via telephone or computer.  Many families were concerned about the Japanese and also their own families that lived near nuclear power plants in other countries.

What do you know about the Fukushima nuclear power plant incident?

 Many realized how serious the situation was, that the Japanese government did not seem to be releasing all available information, and that the situation was still not stable at the time of our interviews.

Do you think that nuclear power plants should be abolished?

Although many respondents answered a resounding yes, quite a few people felt it was a difficult question to answer.  The general belief was that although nuclear power plants are a danger to the environment, they are an important source of power.  Until viable alternative sources are available, nuclear power plants are inevitable.

What new energy sources will we see in the future?

Mainly people mentioned existing energy sources that are not used today such as wind, solar, biomass, and hydro-power rather than new types of energy.

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