報告会、レクチャー その他

CE Reporters Attended the 7th International Youth Media Summit, Aug. 2012

120822_summitTwo high school CE reporters attended the 7th International Youth Media Summit in Belgrade, Serbia from August 1st to 12th ,2012.

Around 50 young people from 18 countries such as the former Yugoslavian countries, (Slovenia, and Bosnia-Herzegovina), the United States, France, Sweden, Greece, Poland, Georgia, Hong Kong, and Japan were divided into 7 groups to discuss issues of international concern: poverty, violence, the environment, discrimination, women’s rights, youth empowerment, and health. Each group produced a 1-minute short film, which expressed their declaration to the world.



The 10th Anniversary of CE, 2012

120803_10thOn June 17th, more than 60 people including reporters, members, youth workers, former reporters, staff, supporters, and board members celebrated the 10th anniversary of Children’s Express at Pria Shibuya. Everyone enjoyed watching  video works portraying CE’s first decade.

CE started its activities in April 2002. Since then, many reporters have written articles on various topics. Selected works were collected into a 10th anniversary brochure “A Decade of CE”.

国際 報告会、レクチャー

Japan-UK Reporters Exchange Program 2011

111221nitieikouryu11_01From November 2nd to 8th, CE Japan welcomed 4 reporters and 2 staff from Headliners’ Belfast Bureau, the sister organization of CE. Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland where Catholics and Protestants live separately because of the prolonged dispute between the two religions. Visiting members were from both residential areas. They visited temples and shrines in Japan where religious freedom is ensured by our national constitution. They also covered religious views of young Japanese.

Most of the expenses for this program were funded by the Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation.

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